Sunday, March 6, 2011

Golden Bird Award: Ubisoft

Ya know what? I am a little mad with a little company called Ubisoft because of a little "timed exclusive" they are running with a little game called "Beyond Good and Evil HD." Then I remembered that I had a place where I could rant like a madman. So conflabit, I am doing it.

So here begins my Golden Bird Awards. If you want to know a Golden Bird is, it's an award that I am going to hand out to companies that can go screw themselves.

Hey Ubisoft, remember back in September when you announced the Beyond Good and Evil remake? Man, that was pretty exciting. See, I missed out on the original 2003 release. But lately I had been hearing a lot about the game, and had finally decided that I was going to find myself a used copy of it on either PS2 or Gamecube. Unfortunately, the game isn't easy to find. But then, your announcement came. I decided that this was really awesome and that I would wait for the port. Because I wanted to support you guys... and I'm a trophy whore.

So all the gaming sites are talking about it. PSN and XBLA. Big news. We got screen shots and trailers and all kinds of goodies. And the whole time, PSN and XBLA.

Then suddenly, something happened... And I learn about it in a terrible way. I'm at a friend's house, we're getting ready to play some XBox (though I may not own one, I do love the console) and I see, on their dashboard, one of those obnoxious ads that are peppered all over the Xbox 360 dashboard (one of the big reasons I DON'T want an Xbox), and what is it for? Beyond Good and Evil HD.

"Hey, wait a minute," I think to myself, "I hadn't heard anything about a release date on this. And it's not available on PSN, so whats up?" Then, I notice something horrifying: It is part of XBLA "House Party."

So as soon as I get home I decide to google this. What do I learn? That Beyond Good and Evil HD is coming to PS3 "Later this year."

That's cool, Ubisoft. I know how it is: Microsoft likes to throw out money for timed exclusives, so why not take it? No harm in making a little extra money.

But you know what would make this better? A FRIKKIN RELEASE DATE. How long do us PS3 gamers have to wait? A month or two? Six months?

In the meantime, here's your award. Congratulations on putting your own interests before the fans.

Maybe I will find myself a used copy somewhere.

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