Welcome to Dual Analogs, brought to you by two brothers with a passion for geek culture.
Though we don't share a love for all of the same things, I think that between the two of us we have all the bases covered. Topics will cover a variety of things such as video games, computers, cell phones and gadgets, card/board games, role playing games (such as Dungeons and Dragons), various forms of media, and anime.
We also want to encourage you to engage us in conversation and debate. Maybe we said something mean about a video game that you liked. Maybe we wrote an article that you found particularly interesting. Maybe you just want to know why we felt a certain way about something. Please feel free to leave comments and feedback.
This site will be evolving over time, so be patient with us. If you have any suggestions concerning the content or the layout of the site, please let us know. We might like what you have to say and try to implement it into the site. We also might hate it and say mean and witty things at your expense. That's risk you'll just have to take.
Also as mentioned above, we don't share a love for all of the same things, which means we also tend to disagree on more than a few points. For instance, I own a PS3 and he owns an XBox 360. Expect a few clashes.