Monday, May 2, 2011

Silly Outrage

I recently came across this article. If you don't feel like reading, I'll sum it up for you.

Recently, Kage Games released Dog Wars, a dog fighting RPG. Now, I haven't played it, but my understanding leads me to believe that the object is to capture dogs, train and raise them, and place them in fights with other dog trainers. The Android Market and the interwebs are full of comments of outrage over the game content. I have to say, I'm a little confused. Why, you ask? The game is about a horrible, illegal act that I don't, personally, believe is a good thing to do. So why don't I get a little sick to my stomach when I see something like this? Well....


National PokéDex #228: Houdour
It's a dog.

National PokéDex #256: Combusken
It's a chicken (just go with it).

If you've been living under a rock, PokéMon is about a young person (you) who sets out on a journey to capture wild creatures, force them to live inside of a small spherical shaped object known as a Poké Ball (this housing chamber is small enough to fit inside of your pocket), and release them just long enough to fight other creatures until one of the participants 'faints' or you capture the opponent inside one of your Poké Balls.

Sounds a lot like Dog Wars to me, or rather Dog Wars sounds a lot like PokéMon.

Don't think they're same thing? Well, you're wrong, but maybe this will put things into better perspective. Here's another popular game that would have you capture things and use them for questionable purposes.

Claude captures a taxi from a cab driver. Running red lights and
drive by shootings are sure to take place soon.

In video games, we do deplorable things all the time. So why is a game about dog fighting get so many of us worked up? I'm genuinely curious. Please comment below.

1 comment:

Joseph said...

An acquaintance of mine made the comment a few years back that "Michael Vick was just trying to play Pokemon in real life." That quote sums it up well for me; the whole topic makes an excellent discussion point too!

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